Birds, Butterflies and Cicadas, Oh My!

Yes, I am still alive.  I am so sorry I haven't blogged in over a week.  Last week was a rough one for me.  I want to thank you for your prayers for my dear friend and her husband.  Their sweet baby went to be with Jesus on Saturday.  I can't tell you the pain and heartache I feel for them.  I am just so deeply sad.  I know they have a long road ahead of them for healing.  Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

It is hot here in Nashville.  It's been in the 90's so the girls and I have been spending alot of time at the pool.  Today we went to our gym pool for swim team practice in the morning and then we went to our neighborhood pool this afternoon.  The girls are wiped out.  Sydney was in bed by 7:45.  We have a play date at the pool in the morning, so we'll be back at it bright and early.  It's nice because the girls both know how to swim, so it's much easier and alot more fun for me this year.

In other news, we are in Cicada h**l around here.  In case you've never lived in the south or on the east coast, this is what a Cicada looks like.

They are nasty little buggers.  They are loud and they are everywhere.  In some places, you can't walk without getting attacked.  They come out every 13 years and live for about 6 weeks.  Then they go back underground and lay their eggs.  We will see them again in 2024. 

There is a certain little girl around our house who is obsessed with them.  She loves to hold them and she loves the noise they make.  You really can't go around town and not hear the "crunch" as you step on them.  Well, my girl had a blast at the pool today gathering them up.  


Her smile says it all.  I wonder if she will ever grow out of her love for bugs.  Speaking of bugs, today the girls let the rest of their butterflies go.  We had 5 caterpillars that we watched turn into beautiful butterflies.  It was fun to watch them take flight.

Some other little lovelies will be taking flight soon.  I can't believe how big they have gotten and how much they poop. I think I'm gonna have to do some touch up paint on the door.  :)

It will be sad to see them go.  It's been fun checking on them every morning.  I will miss that.


doreen said...

Your girls are getting so big and more beautiful every day. It saddens me that we can't be part of their everyday lives. Give them a big hug & kiss for me. Love you lots, Aunt Doreen

p.s. we are having a great time at Lisa's and spoiling Rebekah like crazy. Love it, love it!!

ty said...

The cicadas give me the heeby-jeebys!

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