VBS overload

Another successful week of VBS.  If you are counting, which you probably aren't, that makes 3.  Three consecutive weeks of VBS.  They have all been wonderful and the girls have really enjoyed them and I've enjoyed my time running errands and cleaning house.  As much as one can enjoy doing those things.

The other day, I found Sydney and Brooklyn in the laundry room.  To my dismay, they weren't doing laundry, nope, instead Sydney was "reading" a Bible story.  Brooklyn was listening from the washing machine.  I couldn't help, but capture it on my iPhone.  (I had my phone vertically instead of horizontally and so that's why the picture looks so skinny.  Still getting used to having a video camera on my new iPhone.)

I love these precious moments and I'm thankful that I was able to capture them.  It's amazing what kids remember from the Bible stories you read them and from what they learn at church.  Today on the way to church, Sydney says, "Mommy, can I pray please"?  I turned off the radio and listened to her prayer.  She prayed for a great day, for me to be happy and to keep she and sissy safe at VBS.  I love, how at the tender age of 4, she listens to the Holy Spirits leading.  I can't wait to see how she uses that gift in the future.


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