You have to try this at home. So much fun. It was so easy too. Just fishing line and powdered donuts. That simple. There is a house at the end of the culd-e-sac that goes all out for Halloween. Almost nightly, we take a walk down and let the girls just look at all the lights. They love it. This was taken in front of their house. I told them last night we won't have a reason to walk down there anymore. She reminded me that there is always Christmas. Can't wait to see what they come up with. (Brooklyn makes daddy where this cowboy hat every year. It's tradition).
We hit about 20 houses and then the girls were done. They were tired. Trick-or-Treating two nights in a row is a little much. Don't think we'll do that again. There is an upside, however, I didn't have to buy any candy. We used what the girls got on Saturday to hand out on Sunday. Saved money and the girls didn't get all the sugar. I'd say that was a win, win for everyone.
I think the girls had more fun passing out candy after they were done, then actually getting it. They sat on the front porch and waited for kids to come. Syd was practically yelling for people to come get candy. She was even telling our neighbor Liz, who was also handing out candy, to come get some of her candy. The funny thing was that Sydney was acting and talking so grownup. She would say things like, "Ooh, that's a scary costume." A little 2 year old came up to get candy and as she was walking away, Syd grabbed a sucker,(her favorite), and stuck it in the mom's purse and said, "Oh here, she'll like this too."
All and all, it was a fabulous weekend with my sweet hubby and girls. So blessed! Now it's time to get ready for Thanksgiving. We will be having it at our house again this year, so I have lots to do. No rest for the weary. Tis the season.
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