We decided to go to Chipotle for dinner tonight. It was so yummy. I love Chipotle for their fresh and natural ingredients. I love what their slogan, "food with integrity". I'm on a 12 week detox, more on that later, so this was a great way for me to eat out and eat healthy. All of their meats are organic or naturally raised, which means no hormones, antibiotics, or steroids, and they get alot of their produce from local growers. If you have one in your area you should check them out.
We decided to rent this movie to watch tonight. Have you seen it?

Busy weekend with lots of Halloween parties and trick-or-treating. I hope you all have a great and safe weekend. I'll be spending mine with Minnie Mouse and Jilly, The Zhu Zhu pet.
Oh my husband and I love Chipotle we had our first date there and we also ate there the day we got engaged, when we have a date night we go there or steak and shake (when we're bad LOL).
I've been wanting to see date night so I can't wait to hear how you liked it.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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