We have a good sized house and so the toys were everywhere. One day I decided something had to be done, so I sat the girls down and had a talk with them. I told them that some of their toys had to go. They had way too many and they needed to share with kids who didn't have any toys. I had great timing too, because Brian was going on a missions trip to Haiti, so he could take them with him and give them to the kids at the orphanage where he would be staying. This was a perfect time to teach them about giving.
We got a big trash bag and started going through their toys. I seriously couldn't believe how much they had. Then I went a step further. I went to Target and bought a box for each of their rooms. Upstairs we have our bedrooms and a little playroom and I got rid of all the toys upstairs and they were only allowed to keep what would fit in their box. It has been 3 months and it has worked perfectly. I can't tell you how great it is not to get up and walk through a minefield.

It will be that time again to go through the toys to see what else we can donate. Christmas is around the corner and I know they will get a few more toys, although I am trying to keep that at a minimum. We're doing a cool thing with the girls that I will share a little later on in another post. It's a great way to teach them how to save, give and invest their money.
In case you are wondering, I got the boxes at Target. They are on sale right now for $7.99 until 10/23. That's a good deal for how big they are. They hold a lot of toys. Hopefully this is a practical tip you can try in your home.
Great tip! Even for people without kids. Boxes are a great way to hide your stuff.
I love the video of your sisters singing!! Beautiful!! We wish we could have been there, but we were out of town. I am jealous about your toy solution...we live in 1600 sq. ft. so our playroom is right next to the kitchen. I have to remind myself that one day my house will be empty of toys and I will miss that so I need to enjoy the clutter! :)
Can't wait to hang out on Sat. night with Date for 8!!
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