On the mend

I want to thank you again for all the sweet comments and prayers. It encourages my heart. I am slowly, but surely, healing. I mentioned that I had to have another test yesterday to rule out something else that I was concerned about and thankfully that test came back normal.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile you know that I have mentioned that I have a blood clotting gene called MTHFR. This gene was found after I suffered two early miscarriages. The protocol for this disorder is to take a baby aspirin once a day, something I do faithfully.

We still need to have our meeting with the high risk OB, but it is likely that Jonathan died due to a blood clot in the placenta. The baby aspirin just wasn't enough. Looking back I probably should have been on daily injections of blood thinners during pregnancy, but again with this gene, this wasn't the normal action the specialists take. Injections are usually for those who have Factor V, which I do not. Then the fact that he removed a huge clot out of my uterus on Thursday, we wanted to make sure I didn't have any blood clots in my legs after surgery. I had been having pains and throbbing sensation in my legs so we wanted to be on the safe side. Thankfully, no clots were found.

So I am doing better. Really trying to get some energy so I can start the healing process. My girls need their healthy mommy back. Yesterday when Sydney woke up from her nap I went in and laid with her. She said, "Mommy are you still sick". I said, "No honey. I am better". She screamed and cheered, "Yeah"! She was so excited. I asked her who healed me and she said, "Jesus and God". It was so cute. Sydney particularly has had a rough time. Whenever she sees my parents come over to the house the first thing she asks me is if I am staying or if I'm leaving. She has seen mommy leave so much lately and it scares her. So much for a 3 year old to take in.

I would appreciate your prayers for my girls. That the Lord would fill them with peace and that they would be able to express their feelings to us in the best way they know how. I want to talk through their fears with them so they don't keep them bottled up inside.

They have a half day at school today so I am off to pick them up. I can't wait to see them. After nap time I think I will take them to Target. They love to go there and play with the toys. I may even let them have a Slurpee.


Lins @ Country Roots City Living said...

Hi Krista,
I have recently came across your blog and have read your troubles. I am very sorry for everything you and your family are going through. Today's post caught my eye, I have the MTHFR. I just recently gave birth and had to give myself injections. My doctors found that I had the MTHFR when I also had two miscarriages in 2008.

Michelle Whitlow said...

I'm a newbie to your blog. So glad to hear that you are on the mend (at least physically anyway). I will continue to pray for you and your family :)

stacey eby said...

Also a new person to your blog. I also have MTHFR, but I also have Factor V....I took blood thinner injections during my last pregnancy, along with baby aspirin, Folbic tabs, and "special" prenatals. I was tested after my first son was born early, had a heart defect, 2 month NICU stay, and open heart surgery. Praying for you, and your whole family. I can't imagine how hard this is for you. Know that people everywhere are praying for peace, comfort, and answers.

Anonymous said...

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You ~Ron

Elisabeth said...

The same thing happened with Luke. A few weeks before he passed away and was born, I had an emergency office visit and it was found I had a tear in my placenta as well as a blood clot. Being not so good OBs they acted as if it were no big deal just as they had about my PCOS and should have had me on metformin during the early weeks of my pregnancy.

I also had a D & E two days after he was born and was in the hospital for a total of 4 days.

Praying that God heals your hearts

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