Switcheroo Sunday-Taco Seasoning

My switcheroo for today is taco seasoning. Most taco seasoning's have MSG (monosodium glutamate) in them. I have talked about MSG before, but you want to try everything you can to avoid it. It is really harmful to your body. Some people even have allergies to them, like my two younger sisters. MSG can even cause seizures for people with epilepsy. MSG can sometimes be easy to find when it's written write on the package, or it can be masked under the word "Natural Flavors". You can read more about the effects of MSG here. So I switched from this:

To this:

If you have a Publix in your area you can buy their brand of taco seasoning, which is what I do, for .79 cents. I stock up because it's cheaper than any other name brands out there.


The Lane Family said...

We use this stuff due to "my baby kidney stone' issue and just because I DO NOT like MSG. I think it is really great and at our stores it is even a little cheaper..bigger bonus!!!

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