It's hard to believe another year has come and gone. As I sit here about 2 hours away from the start of 2010, the events that happened this year are all racing through my head. It started out great when we learned just a few days into the New Year that I was pregnant. We had been wanting another baby so we were thrilled and surprised to learn I was expecting. Unfortunately, that excitement was short lived when I miscarried a few weeks later. Not really the way I thought 2009 would start off. Once again the Lord was there to walk us through the journey of loss. It was the second miscarriage for me in 6 months. I always try to find the positive in situations like these because it helps me to keep going and to heal. The positive this time was that the Dr. discovered I had a gene mutation that causes blood clots (called MTHFR) and that I am more susceptible in pregnancy and outside of it, to have a blood clot. So I take a daily aspirin to prevent one from happening. I might have never known this condition existed had it not been for the miscarriages. Thankfully, the rest of the year was pretty uneventful.
My sweet Sydney Kate turned 2 in March. We had a great time of celebration with our family. She is such a spunky and sweet little girl who constantly makes me laugh. She loves to read and play with her sissy.

In April Brian and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. I am blessed beyond measure with the man God sent me. There were times I never thought I would get married. I was just 2 weeks shy of my 29th birthday. I thought I would be married by 25 so I was well past my goal. You are doing the math in your head aren't ya? He is everything I could have hoped and prayed for and more. He pushes me, in a loving way of course, to strive to be a better mom, wife and woman. I count it an honor to be your wife Brian. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and thank you for being such an amazing daddy.

May brought a trip out to California, where I was born and raised, to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday. All the Darin family was there. It was so much fun to be home and to be able to celebrate with my extended family that I don't get to see often. We had a great time at Disneyland too. It was so fun to be able to take my girls to a place that I went to so many times as a little girl. We all had a great time.

Brooklyn turned 4 in August. My baby is growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday I was holding her in the hospital and now she's this smart, creative and witty little girl. She loves Jesus and loves to sing. She is a joy to be around and there are still moments when I can't believe she's mine.

In September, my 3 sisters and I flew back home to Southern California to sing for our high school performing arts center. It was so much fun to be back on stage with them. I miss singing with them and doing ministry together. I hope one day soon we can reunite and perform again. I have a couple of ideas in the works for 2010 that might make that happen. I'll keep you all posted.
November was a busy month for us. My youngest sister got married on the 7th and then Brian and I got to take our first cruise ever. We were spoiled and got to go on the inaugural cruise of Oasis of the Seas by Royal Caribbean. Amazing doesn't quite begin to describe the ship. You can read about it our trip
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hilliard. Congratulations Heather. You were a beautiful bride. Love you.

It has been a crazy year full of ups and downs. I am thankful that I am still here, still breathing and doing life with my family. I am thankful for our health, although it seems like this year we endured some tough times in that department. I am thankful that He has used my trials to help other people. I am thankful that I decided to blog just a year ago. It's allowed me to meet new people in ways I would have never thought possible. I am thankful for my amazing family. My parents who never tire of helping and watching the girls. They are awesome and my girls are so blessed to have them so close. I am thankful that even in a down economy, Brian still has a job. Most importantly, I am thankful that Jesus loves me. I know that sounds so Sunday School, but it is so true. He loves me when I at times don't love him back. He is always there. He never leaves me. Never gives up on me.
I wanted to share a song with you that we recorded for our third album, which unfortunately, never came to fruition. It's one of my favorites. It's called "This is Why". The words are so powerful. It makes me cry every time I hear it. It was written by
Ginny Owens whom we had the priviledge of doing a few concerts with her years ago. She is so talented and truly amazing. It's just piano and voices. It was never finished, but I love the simplicity of it. I don't know why bad things happen. I don't know why babies have to die, why there is war, or poverty. What I do know is that God is real. He created ALL things. He still performs miracles. I have two walking around everyday. When I look at my beautiful girls, I believe. That is all I need to know.
Thanks to my hubby for putting this video together. Love you babe.
The Video was AMAZING!! You really did have quite a year. We went on a cruise for our honeymoon almost nine years ago and as we work towards the big 10 year mark I think another one is in order :)
I am sure 2010 will have some amazing moments as well!!!
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