Sydney has many nicknames, Syd,
Sydelish each one has their own personality. Months after we named Sydney Kate, we realized that her name matched two of our favorite
t.v. characters, Sydney
Bristow from "Alias" and Kate from "Lost". I love both of these characters because they were such strong women. Sydney is definitely living up to these names. She's cute as a button, but boy don't cross her. She's a
feisty 2 1/2 year old going on 20. She believes she is in charge, not mommy. In fact she goes around talking just like me. It's hilarious just to watch her. She will put her dollies in time out one minute and then turn around the next and say, "Don't worry honey, I'll take care of you". She is incredibly sensitive and compassionate. The other night, I was laying in bed with her and we were saying our prayers. I was thanking the Lord for she and Brooklyn when I also thanked Him for Zoe. I said, "Thank you Lord for Zoe. Thank you for using her story and short life to touch others and thank you that she lives in Heaven with you". All of sudden Sydney just started to cry. I was taken back. Of course then that made me cry too. She's still really young to understand what happened, but I guess when she hears her sisters name, she knows it makes mommy cry sometimes. If anyone is crying, she will cry too. She hates to see anyone sad or in pain.
I blogged about Brooklyn the other day and she saw pictures of her sissy and said, "Mommy, where are my pictures?" Sydney Kate this one is for you sweet girl. These pictures come courtesy of her Little School teacher Ms.
Michaele. Thank you so much.

This is my, "I'm up to something face." This is when mommy starts to get a little nervous.

This is my favorite picture of them all. This just sums of Sydney's personality so well. Sweet and caring Sydney Kate. I love you my sweet daughter.
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