Kelly from Kelly's Korneris hosting "Show Us Your Singles" again. If you remember last time, I showed off my brother-in-law Eddy. Eddy was quite the popular guy I must say. I have never had so many hits to my blog ever. Eddy is still single and traveling the country modeling. He's getting ready to take his second trip to Haiti next month.
This time around I wanted to introduce you to my sister Rachelle, a.k.a. Auntie RoRo. She is 34 and originally from So California and now lives in Nashville, TN. She has no idea I am doing this and would probably tell me not to do it, so that's why I am not telling her. Don't kill me Shell. You know I love and adore you and just want to help you find a husband.
My sis Rachelle is the third girl out of 4. She's an amazing soccer player, professional singer, and has the most caring heart of anyone I know. She is funny as all get out and is truly the life of a party. She loves to have fun. She's one of those girls you find out is still single and think how is that possible? We've all tried to figure that out and it's beyond us, but we know the Lord has it all worked out already. Who knows, maybe it will happen through the blogosphere.
Rachelle works with women who are going through breast cancer and she truly sees it as a ministry and not just a job. She cares for the women who walk through those doors and have often prayed with them. She loves the Lord and has a way of praying for people that is truly spirit-led. She leads worship once a month for a women's bible study and I know those women leave being encouraged and inspired by what she says. She is the best auntie ever and she loves her nieces and nephew to bits. She's going to be an amazing mom one day. She has a way with kids that is well beyond her years. My sweet, strong willed Sydney Kate can throw a mean temper tantrum. I love it when Auntie RoRo is there because she can get her to calm down in ways that I can't even do and I'm her mom. I love you my sweet sister and can't wait to meet the man God has in store for you.
Sydney and Brooklyn wanted to sing a song for their Auntie RoRo and all the other single girls out there.
So if you'd like to get in contact with Rachelle, please email me at and I will make sure she gets it.
You can look at my Brother in Law @ and contact me if you think they would click. He really cares for people and especially kids, loves the Lord and spends most of his free time serving.
I'm a native Southern California girl now living in the South. I'm a wife and mom of 4 kids, 2 in Heaven. I traveled the country with my sisters as Christian Recording artists but gave it all up to be a mom. I love jazz music, interior design and movie nights with my family. I'm passionate about homeschooling and nutrition. I make a mean green smoothie. Most importantly, I'm a daughter of the King.
omg your girls are TOO CUTE singing this song haha!!!
You can look at my Brother in Law @ and contact me if you think they would click. He really cares for people and especially kids, loves the Lord and spends most of his free time serving.
Your girls are so precious!!!!!!
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