Brian and I actually were able to stay awake until midnight, just barely though. I was exhausted from all of our traveling this past week. We had a quiet evening at home. The girls went to bed early and so hubby and I got to chill out on the couch and catch up on some of our shows that we've DVR'd. I had to twist his arm to watch the New Year's Eve shows. We switched back and forth between Ryan Seacrest and Carson Daly. The highlight was NKOTB and Backstreet Boys singing together. Did anyone else see them perform? I have to say that I was actually impressed. For a bunch of old guys they actually sounded great. Their vocals were right on and they can still dance. I bet their tour does well.
I am so glad 2011 is here. I have never been so excited for a new year to start in all of my life. There were definitely good parts to 2010 and those memories I will always cherish. Unfortunately, the bad outweighed the good and I am looking forward to a brand new start. I am praying that the Lord will pour His blessings upon our family.
I didn't make any resolutions this year. I have two things in mind that I want to work on. Those two things are reading more books and being "in the moment" with my family.
My husband is a reader. He always has been. He starting reading books when he was 5 and has never stopped. He loves anything that has to do with History and Business Marketing. I however, am not a big reader, unless you count Pottery Barn Catalogs, Country Living and Real Simple Magazines. That is my way to unwind and relax and I love it. I decided to broaden my horizons a bit and actually read a book. I got two new books for Christmas. The first one, Brian gave to me.

The other book I just got and started reading is more of a devotional. I had someone recommend this book to me. The author lost a daughter and a son to a fatal disease just 6 months after their births. That reason alone made me go out and buy the book. If you are going through a painful time in your life, I highly recommend picking it up. I like it because it's broken down into weeks and not days, so if you miss a day it's no big deal.

The second thing I want to work on is just being "in the moment" with my girls. As a stay at home mom, of course I am always there with them, but I'm not always "there" if that makes any sense. I usually have my iPhone attached to my palm so I can check my emails and update Twitter and Facebook reguarly. I often have my laptop open so I can take a quick look at blogs that I follow. I've decided to set a time limit to my electronical devices. When I am with the girls and we are at home playing, they will have my undiveded attention. No exceptions! When they are playing by themselves or down for a nap, then I can go on the computer or check my iPhone. They are growing up so fast and I don't want to regret the time I had with them.
With that being said, It's time to get off the computer and have family movie night down in the basement. I heard the theatre is showing "Pollyanna".
I did see NKOTB & BSB! Love them! I actually have tickets for their concert in June. So excited! I love Guiliana & Bill too. They are just so real. If you're interested in some fun fiction there's a great series by Gemma Halliday called the High Heel Series. They're mysteries & oh so funny. I read a lot & I love these because they're "easy reads". Happy New Year!
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