I decided that my Tuesday's Tip from now until Christmas will be all about great gift ideas. So I will start with something I purchased on Black Friday. This is a fun one and it didn't break the bank. Don't you love those? Normally this card set is $5, but I got it on sale for $3.99 at Target. Really, is there any other place to shop I say? Have you seen these cards? We love to play scrabble at home and I thought this would be a fun way for the girls to learn to spell.
As you can see on the box it's recommended for kids 8 and up, but since I was going to use this more as a teaching tool then it didn't really matter. This will be fun for Brian and I to play after the girls go to bed instead of watching t.v.
Speaking of t.v., Sydney started screaming and crying this morning for me to put the t.v. back in the playroom. It was out of the blue because she hadn't mentioned it since we removed it over a week ago. I decided to distract her with the cards instead. We had so much fun. We went down to the kitchen and while I made lunches she sat at the island and started playing with the cards. She loved it. She kept asking me how to spell things. I would make her find the letters and then I would show her where they went. We practiced spelling her name. I can't wait to do this with Brooklyn and see what words she can spell. This would make a great stocking stuffer. Another tip, there is also a $1 coupon inside the box so if you want to give Scrabble Slam as a gift you can save some money too. Happy Shopping!
We love scrabble at our house too...we'll have to try this version of it! Have you ever played speed scrabble? I think that is my favorite way to play :) It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving with those you love!
We love scrabble too! I bought the scrabble flash at walmart's black friday sale. Usually It's around $30 but it was on sale for $20. I might contact the company because the set counts words that aren't words. It's a long explanation about how it works but I think I got a bad set.
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