I know I have told you this before Brian, but I am so proud of you. Proud of you for organizing your team and pulling it all together. I know you've had a stressful time with everything that has happened and I'm just glad it all went well and now you can relax.
Brooklyn had her last soccer game of the season on Saturday. I hate that daddy had to miss it because she rocked. Seriously, I was so proud of her. This was her first season to play and at the beginning I was thinking we had made a mistake. She did not want to be out on the field. It was like pulling teeth to get her to play. She literally cried and didn't want to go out and play. It was one of the first times as a parent that I really didn't know how to handle the situation. Do I let her quit or do I tell her to just try her best and make her play?
Here's where I get "The mom of the year award". I bribed her. Yes, you heard me right. I told her she could get a Zhu Zhu pet if she went out there and played her hardest. Amazing what can happen when you offer up a toy. It was a miracle. The child got out onto the field and hustled. So that's how I got her to play. Thankfully, in the meantime, she fell in love with the game.
Fast forward to this Saturday. She was so excited to play. She told me she was going to score 2 goals before the game. They called a water break about 10 minutes into the game and she came over crying hysterically. I asked her what was wrong and she said she was upset that she didn't score any goals. She thought the game was over. I started cracking up and told her that it was just a break and that she could get back out there and score. That's exactly what she did. She didn't score 2 goals, but 5. Yep, 5 goals. I couldn't believe it. I was proud of her for the goals, but more proud of how she got out there and played her heart out. She would fall and get back up and hustle to the ball. It was like I was watching a totally different child.

Congrats!!! WAY TO GO to your Hubby and your Daughter:) What a BIG weekend.
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