My first project in the house was to redo our formal dining room. I love this room because it can handle my big farm house table. This table was one of the first things I bought when we moved into our new house 3 years ago. It's also one of my steals. I purchased it for $300. I just love it.
I used to have 8 leather chair around the table, but I decided it just wasn't my style, so I posted them on Craig's List and in a few days they were gone. I wonder if the guy who started Craig's List is really named Craig? I don't care what his name is, I heart him. Anywho, I decided to look on Craig's List for some chairs I could re purpose and I found these:

Here's the breakdown of the cost: 4 chairs: $100, fabric: $20.00 and 4 cans of spray paint: $14. For $134 dollars, I got a whole new set of dining room chairs. The best part, I had fun doing it. Here's a sneak peak of my dining room. I am looking for the perfect bench to go on the front side of the table.
This beauty is my next project. I got an even killer deal on this chair and her 3 sisters. These are gorgeous Italian chairs in perfect condition. Once again, I found them on Craig's List. I got 2 arm chairs and 2 side chairs for....drumroll please....$125. I mean really? The poor guy told me he had gotten 8 of these chairs custom made and shipped from Italy. Each chair was well over $300 a piece. He bought them for an office that he was leasing out and then he sold the building and didn't need them anymore and so they became mine.
Now here's where I need your help. The blue fabric obviously has to go. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Where I am stuck is do I leave the chair as is and just change the fabric or do I paint the wood and caning black? I'm sure a few of you just shouted at your computer screen "What is that girl thinking. Is she crazy to paint that chair?" I just might be.

Your new chairs are beautiful, you did an awesome job. YES! paint the other lovely French chair. So sorry to read about your baby. Prayers!
Great job on the chairs. I found your blog on Custom Blog Designs. Your girls are beautiful! I have miscarried and know how hard that was for us so I empathize for your family on the loss of Zoe & Jonathon. Your are right though... God has plans for each of us! I look forward to your post!
The chairs turned out! As for the blue seated chairs, why don't you follow MMS again, and make drop cloth slip covers (with the little box pleat edge) to complete the set. I personally would leave the cane back exposed . . .I love the texture it adds to a room.
Happy Christmas, and I am glad that you found something to help ease your burden :)
Come over and see me sometime!!
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