Eddy is going to be on an episode of TLC's "What Not To Wear" tomorrow night (FRI 11/19) at 9 p.m. (EST).

Eddy moved temporarily to Chicago where he signed a modeling contract with an agency. He's really liking the city, who wouldn't, but we miss having him here in Nashville.
So set your DVR's and tune in to "What Not to Wear" tomorrow night. Don't be late. I believe his little bit is at the very beginning.
He plays a groom? So the people on the show aren't really real people but actors?
What Not To Wear is one of my favorite shows! I'll be watching for him!
The people getting the makeover are real. The lady who is getting a makeover tonight is a florist. She believes a couple is getting married and she's doing the flowers for the wedding. That's when they surprise her with a makeover.
Krista, that is so cool! I had no idea the Eddy I've been hearing about over the years was such a hottie!
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