Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It combines two things I love, family and food. For the last 5 years, my family has participated in the
Habitrot. It's a 5K walk to benefit our local Habitat for Humanity. Back in 2004 we ran/walked the race in memory of Zoe. So every year since then we do it for her. It's such a special time with my whole family. We get all bundled up because it's usually freezing and meet at the mall where it takes off from. Then we meet back up afterwards for a picture.
Maiya, Brooklyn, Sydney Kate, and Sammie. They love their cousins and they loved this turkey.

One big happy Darin family. We look a little worse for wear. We literally crawl out of bed, put sweats on and head out the door. We're lucky if teeth are brushed and hair is combed.
I was so proud of Brian this year. He set a personal record of 23:48. Way to go babe! So proud of you. After our run, we head to our local Krispy Kreme where we put the calories right back on that we just took off from the run. It's Thanksgiving so anything goes right?

Thanksgiving was at our house again this year. I invited my sisters new
in laws over for dinner as well. The feast was incredible. I still don't know how you can be so hungry and then within minutes be so full. The people in France would probably shake their fist at the way we Americans eat. I say it's the one day you can just stuff yourself til your hearts content.
Finally, I am thankful this year for continued good health, that Brian still has a job, a house to call home, a family who loves me and most importantly a God that continues to forgive and love me just as I am. Thank you Lord for all the blessings in my life. They ALL come from you and I am so undeserving of them. I love you Father.
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