Every year the girls school goes to Gentry Farms. This was the first year we got to go with their school. I am so glad we went. We had a blast. Daddy got off of work early to go with us too. We went on a hayride, saw the animals (goats, chickens, turkeys, cows, roosters and pigeons), played in the wheat and corn trough, went through a corn maze and swung on a tire swing. I brought my big girl camera and took lots of pictures.
I'm a native Southern California girl now living in the South. I'm a wife and mom of 4 kids, 2 in Heaven. I traveled the country with my sisters as Christian Recording artists but gave it all up to be a mom. I love jazz music, interior design and movie nights with my family. I'm passionate about homeschooling and nutrition. I make a mean green smoothie. Most importantly, I'm a daughter of the King.
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