Thank you Lord for our journey through infertility

This week is Infertility Awareness Week. As I think about our journey over the last 7 years I am humbled and amazed at what God has done. As I listen to daddy struggling to put Brooklyn to bed upstairs and her fighting it every step of the way, I am thankful even in the hard times because I know it was all worth it. My girls were worth all the pain, even the pain of losing our precious Zoe. I tell people all the time that my scars of infertility are just that, scars. They will always be with me. They might fade over time like scars often do, but they will never go away. Why did God choose me, choose us, to walk this path? I don't know, but what I do know is that I am a much better person, a better mom I believe because of it. My relationship with the Lord has grown in ways I would have never known had I not gone through infertility. My relationship with my husband is stronger today because of it. I would have never picked this journey to go on, but I am glad He chose me. Thank you Lord for seeing us through and continuing to walk us through this journey you have for us. Thank you for blessing me with Zoe, Brooklyn and Sydney. I am proud and honored to be called "mommy". This video is amazing. I feel like it was written just for me.


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